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Can a demonstration in defence of life "without compromise" not say a word about anti-covid "vaccines"?

A sign of deep divisions within the pro-life movement.

In a post on his blog La scure di Elia (Ax of Elijah, 1 May 2021), the traditional Catholic priest responsible for it, who presents himself as don Elia, all too easily "prophesied" that it was not possible to "organize demonstrations in defense of life without mentioning this appalling problem" that is, mass vaccination with medical preparations from cell lines of voluntarily aborted newborns. And this is exactly what happened on the occasion of the tenth March for Life held in Rome city centre last 22 May in static mode, due to the well-known anti-covid measures, in via dei Fori Imperiali in the open space facing the Altare della Patria to the unknown soldier: not only there was no mention of the vaccine problem, but even an activist who showed a sign saying "no ai vaccini con feti abortiti-sì alla vita senza compromessi" (no to vaccines with aborted fetuses - yes to life without compromise) was sent away by the March for Life security staff.

"Given the results of what, in opposition to other organizations, had claimed the exclusivity of being a battle without compromise, it was really necessary for a new pro life movement to be born", argued don Elia in the above post above. "If those who seemed to be the most rigorous and uncompromising all of a sudden were siding with the enemy, what kind of collaboration is still possible?"

The new pro life movement to which don Elia was referring is the one that was recently launched by Msgr. Athanasius Schneider in a heartfelt appeal, which a growing number of associations and individuals linked to the Italian pro-life world are already joining.

Pending the developments of this initiative, what is undeniable is that the organizing committee of the March for Life is divided internally on this issue, as confirmed by one of its "dissident" members, activist Alfredo De Matteo, in an an interview last May 18th with Renovatio 21, the official blog of the homonymous pro life group.

In a brief introduction to the interview, it is noted that the issue of the use of aborted babies in the pharmaceutical industry, which has now become central to all humanity with the covid "vaccines", has sparked controversy in the Italian pro-life realm that every year converge to Rome for the March for Life.

"The organization, in fact, has yet to openly condemn this vaccination practice, and a personality linked to the March, Lepanto Foundation president Roberto De Mattei, has published on his website articles and articles and even a book to support the moral liceity of the vaccine produced with cell lines of innocent aborted people", continues the introductory note. "This contradiction has scandalized many. Renovatio 21 has repeatedly asked the organizers of the March to answer some questions we had asked, but has yet to receive an answer".

De Matteo claims he has "repeatedly reiterated the need for the March to somehow condemn the brutal murder of unborn children aimed at the production and trade by pharmaceutical companies of vaccines and drugs in general", but despite the support of some members of the committee, the request was turned down, at least so far.

When asked whether it will be possible to protest, perhaps with a banner, flag or poster against vaccines derived from abortions, those vaccines poised to become mandatory and promoted with so much zeal by the president of the Lepanto Foundation, the interviewee replies that the March "has always been marked for it to leave ample freedom of expression to its participants. It would be ludicrous if the security staff somehow should stop those who would like to protest against the abomination of vaccines produced through abortions". Instead, it seems that the episode mentioned at the beginning of the article is precisely a resounding denial of the alleged tolerance of vaccinists.

In another question he is asked whether he did not find contradictory the distinction made by the promoters of the March, for whom the production of vaccines with cell lines of aborted fetuses must be condemned and combated, but not the use of vaccines with these cell lines. After all, aren't producer and consumer part of the same supply chain, in this case a death chain?

"Of course. This is the most striking aspect of the whole question", replies De Matteo. "We are facing a real industry that uses unborn children without any moral qualms for the purpose of researching and manufacturing drugs and vaccines". Furthermore, he continues, "the production of these preparations is not aimed at the cure of fatal diseases but has altogether different objectives, including profit. I do not see how the person who voluntarily agrees to be inoculated with a vaccine produced with aborted fetuses, which moreover turns out to be objectively dangerous to health, substantially useless and not very effective, can be justified from a moral point of view".

Furthermore De Matteo not only says he is convinced that it is not possible to reconcile the position of those who consider licit the human sacrifice to produce a vaccine with those who claim to be "for life, without compromise", but also confesses that he reacted with disbelief at the statement by the president-spokesperson of the March, Virginia Coda Nunziante, during an interview with the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (11 May 2021), according to whom "our point of reference remains the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The March for Life, as such, will never be in open conflict with the ecclesiastical authorities. Personally I believe that vaccination against Covid-19 is morally licit, but not mandatory".

Actually, as De Matteo points out, "the reference point of the March is not the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith but natural and divine law and all those who conform to it. It would have been correct to reiterate that the March will never be in contrast with the Truth rather than with the ecclesiastical authorities ... The March has never bothered to please anyone, much less the ecclesiastical hierarchies. Moreover, who affirms, on an exclusive personal capacity, that the March will never be in conflict with these authorities, until recently did not have particular problems in denouncing their betrayals".

Personal capacity or not, the positions expressed by the president of the March in her interview cannot even surprise that much, if one considers how closely she is associated to de Mattei, not only with regard to the March, as De Matteo clearly admits in his interview to Renovatio 21, but especially for her position as "principal officer" in the Lepanto Foundation in Washington, at least until recently according to the website .

But the president's claims also lend themselves to other considerations, if we can take the liberty of being a bit "politically incorrect". Already in the title she is quoted as proclaiming: "Life is not negotiable, the aim is to repeal the 194", which is the number indicating the present abortion law in Italy; well, one might ask, since this is a sort of mantra virtually repeated at every edition of the March, other than many fine words what has been done in concrete in these 10 years of the March existence to this purpose?

In another part of the interview, when asked about anti-covid vaccines, she states: "It is a wide-ranging and complex problem ... We intend to open a debate on this issue, but our point of reference remains the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith". Who knows if this debate will be held before vaccination is made mandatory for everyone and those villages referred to in a post on our site "emergency villages" become operational, villages where to hospitalize in isolation not earthquake victims or illegal immigrants, but suspect sick or refractory citizens for them to spend their quarantine or to endure "mandatory medical treatments".

Apparently, the whole controversy began on 12 December 2020 with the publication of a document on the moral illicity of vaccines based on cells derived from aborted human babies signed by five prelates of various nationalities, which was followed on 21 December 2020 by the indirect response of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with a note on the morality of some anti-Covid-19 vaccines. Now waking up after six months is actually not that timely, even if it must be said that, as aptly recalled by Msgr. Schneider, one of the five signatories of the aforementioned document, there is no need for doctorates in theology (and perhaps therefore not even too many learned debates) to understand the immorality of this modern barbarism: the sensus fidei and the good common sense should be enough.

But there is another aspect of the note from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which is often overlooked and which makes the position of the president of the March frankly unsustainable, unless one wants to take the government vulgate on the fight against covid as gospel. Point 5 of the note states that the use of these vaccines is licit "in the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic". And that's where the problem lies, because it has been amply demonstrated by a growing number of courageous doctors who, challenging the government protocol based on "tachipirina (paracetamol tablets) and watchful waiting", have instead successfully treated so many patients at home using drugs of normal cost and availability, especially at the onset of the first symptoms. In this way it was possible to avoid their hospitalization, with all the positive implications that can be easily imagined.

How can you trust a health authority that successfully even appealed to the Council of State to invalidate a sentence of a Regional Administrative Tribunal TAR which authorized the derogation from the aforementioned official protocol?

In this case, can we really speak of sincere concern for the "common good"? If the goal is a forced mass vaccination as the only and last resort, it is obvious that any possible form of alternative therapy must be prevented at all costs, regardless of its effectiveness. Let alone that French prominent virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who in a May 29th post based on one of his interviews, translated from French at RAIR Foundation USA blog, condemned mandatory vaccines for everyone in unknown territory as an "insanity" that is causing the variants and expressed strong concerns about the coronavirus vaccine’s mid-term, long-term, and even generational consequences ( No surprise then if he is virtually ignored by the mainstream media and the international health authorities. Yet, as aptly recalled by Lifesitenews, the famous French virologist sparked a row in April 2020 when he told a French television station that he believed the new pandemic coronavirus was man-made in a laboratory since its characteristics could not have arisen naturally. Despite accusations of being a conspiracy theorist at that time, /b>this theory has recently resurfaced and is currently considered the most likely origin of the virus

11 June 2021, feast of the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

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